Written by Garth Ennis from 1995 to 2000, Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a small-town preacher with a BIG crisis of faith. When he becomes possessed by Genesis, the illicit progeny of an angel and a demon, Custer finds that he might just be one of the most powerful beings in the universe...But this attracts the attention of some very, very bad beings that would either like to kill or control him. Armed with his new powers and his friends, Tulip O'Hare, Jesse's sharpshooting girlfriend, and Cassidy, a drug addicted, alcoholic vampire, Jesse sets off on a journey to find the god of their reality to make him pay for his crimes against all of creation.
Even though I have my own personal beliefs, Preacher doesn't offend me. It is a well-written master-work of comics. This fictional revenge-story is among the best ever written in comics, fully fleshed out with three dimensional characters who can surprise you with both their heroism and their ability to be right bastards. Add those unparalleled Glenn Fabry covers and Steve Dillon's amazing interiors and you've got one of the best supernatural, non-superhero comic books to ever be put to print - and it has been adapted into a surefire hit by AMC:
It looks great!! I'm very excited about this series, so I figured that I'd take a little time to show a few comics from my own Preacher collection.
Check it out:
Three copies of Preacher #1, all high grade, with a copy that is CGC-graded 9.6 - I misremembered - thought it was graded 9.4. Pleasant surprise! These feature the first appearances of Jesse Custer, Tulip O'Hare, Cassidy and a cameo by the Saint of Killers.
Preacher #2, the first full appearance of The Saint of Killers.
Preacher #3
Absolute Vertigo. I just found out that I actually have 2 of these. Sweet.
Heck, I even bought the trade paperback of volume 1 to reread over, and over again.
So, yeah. Kind of a fan. Try it and you will be too.
Yes nice surprise alright 9.6 Wow.
ReplyDeleteI had the first 3-4 the TPB's at one time Tex! gave them away in the late 90's Oh me! why did that is still in the clouds Lol.
Brother, I am not one to judge. You remember my Strange Tales #110 fiasco (in my house we call it the ST #110 Debacle of 2014)? I basically gave that away. Then there's the fact that I gave all my comics away to a fellow soldier about 18 years ago. There was some great Silver, Bronze and Modern Age stuff in there, including the Parable HC signed by Moebius. :(
Nice write up sir, im very excited for this show! I LOVED the saint of killers origin.
ReplyDeleteThanks BC,
ReplyDeleteI've been going nuts waiting for this comic to be a movie or a TV show for years. I am excited beyond belief...I just hope AMC does it justice. Like Constantine, I kind of think it might thrive better on a premium cable channel where the subject matter doesn't have to be tamed. But, I've got my fingers crossed and I'm hoping for the best! It looks great so far!
I agree, i was hoping hbo or showtime would of done it, but AMC has been putting out quality shows. Ill def. watch it, fingers crossed. Theyll have to tone it down a bit for cable tv...i just hope they show us saint of killers at the end of season 1 or something to build hype for season 2.
DeleteI'm with you, BC.
ReplyDeleteIt's not Preacher without The Saint of Killers. I wonder how far it'll wander away from the storyline in the comics? Walking Dead has wandered pretty far, but the storylines in the comic are still recognizable in the show.